Now that we are finally receiving rain this year on the Central Coast, don’t forget to turn off or adjust your irrigation to save water and your landscaping from over-saturation. You can automate this task (and reduce the risk of forgetting to turn it back on after the rain!) by adding a rain sensor to automatically turn off your irrigation system when it is raining or has recently rained.
Rain sensors are handy little devices that hydrate and dehydrate at the same rate as soil to shut down and restart your irrigation system as needed to prevent wasted water and plant and lawn damage from over watering. The main irrigation manufacturers, such as Hunter and Rain Bird, have rain sensors available, so finding one compatible with your current controller is usually a simple task.
Although many of us are not under as tight of water restrictions as we were during the worst of California’s most recent drought, saving water is still a priority and a habit for many. Many local cities are still restricting water usage, especially when it comes to landscape irrigation.
Aside from saving big money on water (a rain sensor can pay for itself in just a few saved watering cycles), you’ll help protect your landscape from over-saturation and runoff that can leech nutrients from the soil and deprive roots of oxygen.
Give us a call, or fill out this simple request form, to find out more information or to schedule installation of a rain sensor.
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All Seasons Landscaping
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Steve Lake
September Plant of the Month: Leucospermum 'Scarlet Ribbon'
All Seasons Landscaping