Recent Posts by All Seasons Landscaping

December Tips of the Month

Save Water During the Winter Months Installing a rain sensor to your existing irrigation controller can reduce your water bill during the rainy season.  The Hunter Mini-Clik Rain Sensor hydrates and dehydrates at the same rate as soil and is adjustable to detect 1/8”-1” of rainfall.  When it rains it will shut your system down…
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September Tips of the Month

September tips include de-thatching cool season lawns, what type of plants to fertilize and plant this month, and planning a new landscape with All Seasons Gardening & Landscaping.

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August Tips of the Month

Maintenance Prepare for fire season - If you live near the native chaparral, reduce the fire risk to your property by pruning dead vegetation from trees and shrubs (especially near structures).  Cut tall grasses and weeds to a height of less than four inches. Feed annuals and vegetables- Continue to fertilize warm season flowers and…
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July Tips of the Month

Garden Basics for this month During the month of July, you can control pests in the garden by planting flowers that will attract beneficial insects. This will increase your population of beneficial insects such as lady bird beetles, lacewings, and others, to decrease the “bad” insect population. This is a great way of decreasing the…
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