Ceanothus maritimus 'Frosty Dawn' is a low-growing shrub, reaching 2' tall and up to 6' wide (though likely keeping to a compact 3' to 5' width). Here on the Central Coast, it's going to thrive in coastal landscapes, and can also grow well with well-drained soils in other climates. It takes full sun along the coast, but make sure to place it in partial shade for inland gardens. This is a slow-grower for the Ceanothus family, but if you have the patience, 'Frosty Dawn' is long lived and will show off with a dusty, dark blue show of flowers starting early, in January.

Dark blue flowers of low-growing shrub Ceanothus maritimus 'Frosty Dawn' complemented by yellow flowers on Pallensis maritime
Try planting Maritime Ceanothus on hills, mixed in with boulders, or in a border that has plants that also prefer low water. We would like to try it in a garden paired with grey-blue Nepeta x faassenii 'Blue Wonder', yellow daisy-like flowers from Pallenis maritima, and a few pops of Muhlenbergia rigens.
Tell us what you think below: would you like a winter flowering plant in your garden that offered blue blooms, or would it make you feel too chilly to admire?
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Steve Lake
September Plant of the Month: Leucospermum 'Scarlet Ribbon'
All Seasons Landscaping