Recent Posts by All Seasons Landscaping

July Tips of the Month

Garden Basics for this month During the month of July, you can control pests in the garden by planting flowers that will attract beneficial insects. This will increase your population of beneficial insects such as lady bird beetles, lacewings, and others, to decrease the “bad” insect population. This is a great way of decreasing the…
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May Tips of the Month

In a single family residence,the clear majority of water being used is in the landscape. Over 50% of our water is being used to irrigate our plants and trees. Now is the time to plan for the summer heat and to be water conscious. Here are our top tips for conserving water usage in your…
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April Tips of the Month

Announcements In the Months of APRIL and MAY we will set aside a few days for aerating and fertilizing your lawn UPON REQUEST.  What is aeration?  Technically speaking, aeration is the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and its surrounding atmosphere.  Practically speaking, aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of…
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March Tips of the Month

Welcome Spring!   PLANTING   Plant Perennials and Cutting Flowers- Early spring is one of the best times to get perennials started in the garden, such as columbine, correa, lavender, penstemon, phygelius, rosemary, salvia, and yarrow.  It is also time to sow flower seeds such as asters, cosmos, cleomes, lobelias, lunarias, marigolds, nicotianas, sunflowers and…
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