Tag Archives: dormant spray

February Tips of the Month

DORMANT SPRAY FRUIT TREES Pests that appear on lush new spring growth are eliminated or greatly reduced by properly applying dormant sprays now.  They effectively kill the over wintering eggs of aphids, mites, most scales, plus many other pests and some plant diseases that are now in their most vulnerable stage. For most fruit trees…
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December Tips of the Month

Save Water During the Winter Months Installing a rain sensor to your existing irrigation controller can reduce your water bill during the rainy season.  The Hunter Mini-Clik Rain Sensor hydrates and dehydrates at the same rate as soil and is adjustable to detect 1/8”-1” of rainfall.  When it rains it will shut your system down…
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April Tips of the Month

ANNOUNCEMENTS   In the Months of APRIL and MAY we will set aside a few days for aerating and fertilizing your lawn UPON REQUEST.    What is aeration?         Technically speaking, aeration is the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and its surrounding atmosphere.  Practically speaking, aeration is the process of mechanically…
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